



Eduscapes | Consulting Services


Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

"Dear Diary"

"Dear Diary"

"Dear Diary"

"Dear Diary"

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

"Dear Diary"

"Dear Diary"

“Dear Diary”

“Dear Diary”

“Dear Diary”

“Dear Diary”

Back to School Pandemic Style Part II

Back to School Pandemic Style Part II

Back to School Pandemic Style Part I

Back to School Pandemic Style Part I

Understanding Our Statues and Monuments

Understanding Our Statues and Monuments

How COVID-19 is Highlighting the Racism that Never Went Away and the Continuation of the Myths Associated with It

How COVID-19 is Highlighting the Racism that Never Went Away and the Continuation of the Myths Associated with It

The Sins of Our Founding Fathers Are Still Our Sins

The Sins of Our Founding Fathers Are Still Our Sins

Mental Health Needs have far out-paced identification of learning challenges by Child Study Teams (CST)

Mental Health Needs have far out-paced identification of learning challenges by Child Study Teams (CST)

Are We Adding Insult to Injury?

Are We Adding Insult to Injury?

Sick Building Syndrome: Without Healthy School Buildings

Sick Building Syndrome: Without Healthy School Buildings

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Made Us More Appreciative?

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Made Us More Appreciative?

Is it a New Normal? or a New Reality?

Sidewalk Talk from Montclair, NJ

When the Future Runs out

Confronting Our View Involving Disease (COVID-19)

Why The Handshake?

Becoming a Teacher

There is a Better Way to Move Testing in the Right Direction

The Skinny on Digital Media Addiction

Aspects of the Workplace

Advice on How to Handle Yourself When Your Child Leaves for College

How Schools Are Trying Prevention over Discipline for Vaping Students

7 Misconceptions about Raising Children to be Successful Adults

When You Don’t Get Calls for Job Interviews

Things Your Child’s College Professor Wishes Parents Taught Their Children

Six Keys to Consider When Choosing a Career School

Expert Tips for Lasting Changes in Behavior

“Adulting” Tips for College Freshman

Balancing A Culture of Fear, School Security, and Safety with a Realistic Perspective

Defining Health and Happiness by Going Outside by the Numbers

Who Said You’d Never Use Calculus in the Real World?

Undecided About What Degree to Pursue? Four Questions to Ask.

The Importance of Developing Strong Ethical Standards and Cultures for Your Business and Ways to Do It

German Educators Feel Peer Education is Best Approach to Teaching Children How to Stay Safe Online

Opportune Factors Combine for Favorable Employment of People with Disabilities

Identity and Self-Worth

What Happens When Fruits and Vegetables are Mixed into the Curriculum

New Degrees to Consider – The Changing Landscapes of the Workplace

Books of Their Very Own

The Practice of Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness, and Family Systems Theory While Walking in the Park

Sports Competition – Key Training Ground for Women’s Career and Business Success

One Thing You Can Always Count On – Change is Inevitable

How to Avoid a ‘Killfie’ by Taking Safe Selfies

Girls More Likely to be Cyber-bullied Than Boys

Curbing Your Child’s Thirst for Sweet Drinks

American With Disabilities Act (ADA) Turns 29

Alcohol Use by Adolescents on Decline – But don’t stop watching

Things You Need to Do When Your Child Shows You a Post from Another Child about Self-Harm

Teach Your Daughter How to Navigate “The Mean Girl” Thing

New Risks Attached to E-Cigarettes

The Secret Life of Your iPhone

Keeping Your Child Healthy from Birth through their Teens

Falsehoods Promoted by Vaping Proponents

Binge-Watching Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Say What?............

What Happens When Chronic Stress Goes Awry

You’ve Got the Job – Now What?

How and Why Parents Need to Support Nonallergic Siblings

Being Proactive about When No, Means No

Be Honest with Yourself

Anxiety Caused by Sounds

Expert Tips for Lasting Changes in Behavior

A Very Special Message to Readers

Back to School Night: Questions to ask your child’s teachers

Five Tips to a Smooth Beginning of the School Year

Talking to Your Children about Social and Safety Issues before going Back to School

Freshman Hacks: 11 things you need to have on campus and 7 things to leave behind

Smoking Pot and Tragic Events: Precursor to Suicide?

Perfection: Teaching Our Daughters How to be Healthy, not Perfect

Part of Job Hunting is Still ‘Who You Know’

Is Suicide Prediction Possible? The Hope to Prevent Teen Deaths

We Do Have A Choice

Procrastination: A New Animal for Today’s Children

‘Nature Pill’ Reduces Cortisol Levels

The Conundrums of a College Degree

College Board Creates first of its Kind National Scholarship Program

Want to Yell Less at your Children? Read to Them.

Inclusive Sensory-Friendly Dining

Keeping Your Kids from Saying “I’m bored!” This Summer

Preventing Childhood Obesity

Summer Checklist for High School Seniors for a Successful Freshman Year on Campus

What Parents Can Learn from Calvin and Hobbes

The Circle of Educational Life – coming into its own?

5 Things Parents Need to Know about Glasses

Identifying Labels – No longer a stigma

What You Can Learn by Traveling with your Children

First of Its Kind National Scholarship Program

Your Child and New Recommendations for the Care of Concussions

What do you know about ‘benzos’?

Thinking about Life after Graduation – Paths to an Early Start

The Do’s and Don’ts of Selling Your Product – YOU

The Wrong Ways to Approach Teenage Drinking

Fitting School and Studies with Work and Family Responsibilities

Being Ready Financially When Changing Jobs

Rates of Depressed Young People Rise as Percentages Remain Stable for Older People

What does it really mean to find a “balance” between screen time & the real world?

Reading – An Unnatural Cultural Invention with Unnatural Cultural Assumptions

Balancing Out those Negative Emotions and Experiences

Federal Administrative Update

Where is the PARCC going to end up being PARCC-ED?

Time-out or Time-in?

Less is More When Talking with Teens

How Could An Interview Coach Help You?

Children Must be Taught How to Handle Disappointment

Addressing School Concerns in a Productive, Successful Way

The Investment of Friendships

The Do’s and Don’ts of How Your Daughter Wants You to Help

The Working Place

Technology in the Hands of Toddlers – the right way to do it

How to Teach Your Children to Help Themselves

When You Are Asked “Do you have any questions?” during an Interview

Healthier Minds and Bodies - Toys that Enhance the Mind or Body

It’s True – It Is Better to Give than Receive

Reasons Why Kids try to Avoid Homework

How smart is it to Let Your Child do Homework with the ‘Help’ of a Smart Speaker?

State Board Officially Proposes Changes in PARCC Assessments

A Contagion We All Should Catch

Are you, as a parent, capable of sustaining at-home rehab for defiant teens?

Tuition – Free Pilot Program: The Lucky 13 County Colleges Selected

Continued Emphasis on the Importance of Play

What Unmonitored Screen Time Does to your Child’s Brainpower

School Supplies We Will Keep Forever

Virtual Reality in Mental Health Treatment Without a Therapist

An Archive Not Found in History Books or Museums

When “I’m tired” Becomes an Indication of Something More

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

What Parents Can Do to Help Their Children

Teach Your Daughter How to Navigate “The Mean Girl” Thing

Dealing with the Cycle of Life: On Death and Dying

Approaching Social Media Positively as a Family

An Epidemic of ADHD or Epidemic Diagnosis?

‘Technology Breathers’ are Good for your Health

How to Answer One of the Most Common Interview Questions: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Questions You Should Ask Your Child’s Teacher or Principal

Frankie Hirsch’s new book “Chronicles of an African Baby”

The Importance of Distinguishing Between Bullying and Ordinary Meanness

Allow Your Child to Use Their Newly Found Independence

Revised Board Plan for PARCC

Parent Deadlines and Understanding Financial Aid

A Personal Four-Year Guide for Applying to College for Parents and Students

Three Ways to Strengthen Leadership Skills

Update on Proposed Amendments to the Standards and Assessment Chapter of New Jersey’s Education Regulations

When Looking for a Job Is Your Job

Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Puts Us on the Unemployment Line?

Update on the Status of PARCC in New Jersey - Editorial

Update on the Status of PARCC in New Jersey (and a whole lot of opinions)

The Effect of Heat on Your Child’s Thinking

The Need for Perfecting Your People Skills

One Way of Approaching a Layoff

So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur

“Housekeeping” Tasks to get Organized for the Start of School

The Cost of Altering How Our Brains Work

What’s a Brag Book? (Isn’t that for grandmothers?)

Live as Happily as the Finns

Wake Up!

How to keep all the Balls Up in the Air

Practice Makes Perfect - Getting Ready for Your Interview

Understanding Educational History – Land-Grant Universities

You Have the Right to Work

School Shootings – Why do they keep happening?

Why Education is of Crucial Value and Investment

Gun Safety – The First Line of Defense

Life Long Learning Isn’t Just an Educational Slogan

World Health Organization Classifies Gaming as a Mental Health Condition

From 1965 to the Present

Don’t Get Busted by Social Media!

Solving the PARCC Conundrum: Solutions Not to Consider

Why Are New Jersey Schools Still Segregated? Should the state do something about it?

“Miscommunication” Regarding Graduation Requirements

The End of Prohibition (Pot, that is)

How Stress Can Affect Your Child’s Health

Steps to a Pleasant Interview

Soft skills

The Science of Self-Confidence

FYI: The Latest Trends and Innovations

New Strategy to Help Prevent Teenage Suicides

Cybersecurity: fasted growing, highest paying, and most in demand career

Looks like More Money in the Meter

A Change in Career - Filling Teacher Shortages

Possible Connection between Smart phones and Teens

How Feeding Styles Affect Your Child

BizOps is Booming

Resisting Fear and Allowing Your Child to Fail: It’s good for them

Sinking in the Ratings: When You Enter a Non-Parccing Zone

Mindfulness at Work

Make Your Community Service Really Count

Updates that Provide Inspiration for Greater Productivity

Free from PARCCING?

Easing the Flight for Special- Needs Travelors

Busting the Myths about “Private College”

How to Develop Meaningful Content by Using Academic Practices

Text Messaging for Hourly Workforce Positions

Beware of Ccams that Target Your College Aged Child

Answering the Salary History Question: Helpful or Harmful?

Thinking About a New Job: More Money vs. Overall Happiness at Work

Social Media: Friend or Foe

The Science of Self-Confidence

How to Make the Best Impressions and Win Friends

Creating Your Perfect Space to Work and Study

Lessons Learned from Equines about the Nature of the Business World

Where Do I Begin? Prioritizing for the Bottom Line

How to be a Good Story Teller and Sell Your Business Ideas

Boosting Your Happiness: Science Backed Secrets

Watch Out Millennials: How to Keep from Getting Burned Out

Teens Need to Move More

Finally – A Favorable Job Market for Young Graduates

Homework is necessary – Homework is not necessary

Community College: A Valuable Savings for an Invaluable Education

Take Control of Your To-Do List and Stay Productive

True Grit

Minding Your Tech Manners

Update on the Status of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Why We Spend Fewer and Fewer Hours Reading

The Secret of Long-Term Career Success: Excellence

Why Manners Do Matter

Tips for Teen Job Seekers

Predictions for the 2018 Job Market

The Facts about Dyslexia

Getting Ready for College during Your Junior and Senior Year in High School

So You Want to Live on Your Own

How to Successfully Deal with Homework

Quality Workplace Habits Begin in Elementary School

New Jersey State Version of ESSA a Disappointment

Job Openings on your Facebook Page

The Importance of Making College & Scholarship Applications Memorable

Are you thinking of a gap or bridge year? What are the pros and cons?

Looking for a job this summer? Think of it as an opportunity to learn job skills

Discovering the Gig Economy

Federal Administrative Update

The Importance of Finding the Right Learning Environment for Your Child

Reasons for Exemption from State Testing

NJ Headline News