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Predictions for the 2018 Job Market

Important fields to consider when choosing a college major or when switching careers

According to Randstad US, one of the largest HR services and staffing companies in the country, the most in-demand and emerging jobs are:

  • Engineering
  • Finance and accounting
  • Human resources
  • Information technology (IT)
  • Life sciences
  • Manufacturing and logistics
  • Office and administration
  • Non-clinical health care


Their experts, along with many economists, are predicting a strong economy for 2017 which in turn will likely result in more job opportunities nationwide.  However, it’s important to find out which jobs hold the greatest potential and by knowing where employers are experiencing weaknesses so that a candidate’s skills and knowledge can be presented as potential solutions.


How do you land a hot job?  First determine what you have a knack for and are interested in.

  • If you like science and technology, consider engineering.  Market trends and technical innovation keep the industry evolving. The unemployment rate for the overall field is well below the national average.
  • For finance and accounting – enhance your public accounting and general ledger software skills.  Speaking a second language is a definite advantage and the demand for bilingual candidates continues to rise.
  • Prefer a front or back office role in the health care system?  Non-clinical positions are emerging such as medical secretary and medical assistant where additional support is needed.
  • Life sciences offer positions strongly supported with research and development funding.  The industry requires highly specialized talent to fill voids coming from innovations in medical technology, the changing regulatory environment, and upcoming patent expirations.
  • If you like IT work, consider a job in Big Data.  These positions are critical to increasing productivity, and innovation is in high demand.
  • Office and administration positions look more like middle management than support staff.  Accumulate diverse skills with expertise in project management, budgeting, marketing and training.
  • Candidates with previous experience, higher education, technological know-how or training will be more competitive for positions in American manufacturing and logistics as new technology and innovative production systems are created.
  • Consider being the one to help employers seek new talent by being in human resources.  The field has seen rapid technological advancements and if you have a digital mindset you will be at the head of the line.


To review the full study results, go to Randstad’s 2017 Hot Jobs report.


Source: Star-Ledger, 2017

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